True Devotion To Mary


True Devotion to MaryI cannot credit anything else in my life for my Spiritual healing, growth and desired union with Christ, than True Devotion to Mary. 

Some background: 
I used to shy away from mentioning the Name of Mary. 
I too used to shy away from mentioning the Name of Jesus Christ. 
Saying "God" leaves room for people to insert whatever and whomever they'd like. It was easier for me as a Radio Personality to say "God"... maybe I'd be more accepted and liked and not so persecuted?

But as a Catholic, I needed to grow in Faith to use Holy Names courageously, Specific Names to help others to recognize that there is Only One God... so that they may not be confused as to Whom I am speaking of. So I can be CLEAR. =) Clarity is good! 
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
Christ, the Only Begotten Son. 
The Love of the Father and the Son... the Holy Spirit.
And Mary, the Mother of God, the Theotokos. 

I'll share with you my experience. This is only my experience, but it is the Truth of my life, none- the- less. 
About 5 years ago, I was really struggling with knowing God's Will for my life. Aren't we all? =) 
(P.S. We will always struggle to know the Will of God. WE cannot know the Mind of God, we can only pray for His Light on our path towards Him. Don't beat yourself up if "you don't know God's Will" ... lol no one does.... and that's why we pray for the Grace of FAITH!) 

I was whiny and struggling, annoyed and aimless. 
My Mom suggested I go to my local Parish and pray during the day, alone, before the Tabernacle. 
Reluctantly, I went. 
I laid myself out on the floor of the Church, before the Altar and began to pray, or whine, or complain to God that I "didn't know what He wanted me to do!" 
I looked up at the Altar, waiting for God to respond, and interiorly, I was motioned to an Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

This Image has just been put up in my local Parish and had not been there for too long. I looked up and over to our Lady, and understood that Jesus was pointing me to His Mom. I said "Her?"... Interiorly I understood yes... indeed, it was Her He was pointing me to. 

After this day, a few other incidents pointed me to Our Lady, which before this time, I had very little, if any, devotion at all. I actually used to be a semi-protestant Catholic...whatever that is? 

I didn't understand Her, I didn't love Her, I did pray for Her intercession, I didn't get any of it. I rejected Her when my Mom would send me devotional reading about Her and I would ask "why not just go to Jesus?" ... Typical protestant answer. 
Oh Blessed Mother forgive me. My sweet Jesus, forgive me! 
Fool I was! ... and still am. 

I was then sent from the Lord, from I believe 3 different people to read and do the "33 Days to Morning Glory" consecration. 
Followed by a strange interaction with a woman I had met only once and only briefly in a formation class for the Diocese of San Bernardino. Who then saw me at Holy Mass one evening and said to me " Mary wants you. She shows me souls, that She wants and I go share that with them. And She wants you." ... Going from no devotion to Mary.... to this? haha You can imagine my surprise, shock and the chipping away at my hardened heart... as our Mother, My Mother and the Mother of God... sought me. Imagine someone treats you terribly all their life, disregards you and pays you no attention and you continue to lovingly seek after them, care for them, pray for them, watch over them, provide for them... that's what our Lady did for me. And what She does, FOR SO MANY UNGRATEFUL HUMANS! Oh that we would know the Graces God has sent us in Mary! Blessed be God forever! Ave Maria! 

After this Consecration, years later, I was finally ready for the real deal! The St. Louis De Montfort "True Devotion to Mary" Consecration. And yes, I needed time to be ready. I was not a devotee! And I was slowly becoming one! By Grace! Oh, by beautiful GRACE!
If your Faith is sluggish, if you are struggling to remain Catholic, if you are confused by all the nonsense and rubbish of the world... TURN TO OUR LADY! 

A quote to encourage you from St. Louis Marie De Montfort: 

"God has not only set an enmity but enmities, not simply between Mary and the devil, but between the race of the Holy Virgin and the race of the devil...

Oh the healing of the Lord that washes over a person who entrusts themselves to Mary! She defends us in our spiritual battles, She thwarts the devil's nonsense and confusion, She crushes the heads of the serpent! What a Mother we have! How She will draw you to Her Son is the MOST BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY OF ALL! If we are too proud to love His Mother, how can we possibly love Him? 

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! 
Salve Regina! Mater misericordiae! 

If I can do any Good while on Earth, it will be to spread True Devotion to Mary! 


  1. Beautiful! So beautiful!!! Happy birthday my friend!!! Our Lady of Mercy pray for us and show us your Immaculate Heart and move our hearts to unite! Amen Alleluia


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