How much more?

I notice that there are a lot of well intentioned people in our midst who are looking for "more" but are finding a false sense of it. They are giving the praise that belongs only to God, to nature, or other 'strange teachings.' There are so many people living this way. The Lord teaches this to us when HE says that they " changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever Amen.(Romans 1:25)."


How much more if the pagans are happy and living a life that seems peaceful and relatively carefree or trusting that all will workout, how much more should Christians? There is no god like our God. He loved us so much He came down from Heaven and died for us. There is NO other god who would do this. People make their workout their god. They make Greek mythology, yoga, prophets, humans who lived ’good’ lives or understood ecology they make these people their gods. But our God, is fully God and fully Man. In the Person of Jesus Christ. How much more should we know we are loved, cared for, protected, assisted, uplifted, encouraged, and given the wisdom, council , knowledge, conversion, healing, gifts and talents and abilities? How much more from the ONE TRUE GOD, the Father Almighty? Creator of Heaven and Earth and the whole Created Universe!? The Alpha and Omega. He is before all else that is! 
All of these other ideas, persons or groups stand under God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The God Who became MAN for OUR-SAKE! We should walk around joyously proclaiming by our lives that HE LIVES, HE IS, and HE ALWAYS WILL BE OUR GOD! 
I am so in love with Him, I am Catholic because of Him. He in His Fullness resides and is expressed in the Holy Catholic Church, Her Teachings, Her Wisdom and Her Beauty. He is revealed there in. As He was revealed through Mary. 

This is God’s Order:

God —-> Holy Spirit + Mary—-> Jesus. 

Holy Spirit + Mary —->Jesus—-> God. 

May we follow Him as He asks, as He revealed. May we grow in Holiness after the Pattern of His Perfection. May our Lady Mediatrix of Grace and Mercy intercede for us at every moment. Oh! Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, the bosom of my freedom and Peace!  May the Lord be Praised Who Created Thee! May my heart resound for joy at the Salvation that has come from You! May we live as sheep, who hear the Voice of the Shepard not as deaf oxen! Speak Lord, your servant listens. 

*1 Our Father for the Pope
**1 Hail Mary for the President of the USA
***1 Glory Be for the Unborn 


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