What if you were that baby?

*** to those who have had an abortion and are reading this, I love you dearly, our Lord loves you dearly and your unborn baby loves you dearly. If you have not gone to Confession, GO, for the sake of the freedom of your immortal and eternal soul, GO. Do not wait another day. Be forgiven, be freed, and heal in the Blood  and Water of Jesus which has been poured out for all of us. One day, your story will help someone else. One day your courage to share about how the culture LIED to you, the government and many of the Clergy failed you, and how society looked upon pregnancy as a burden, and another mouth to feed as unnecessary and potentially not feasible, will save a child, a mother and a father. Your tears and torments will be used to save many other souls from this tragedy. And abortion is truly a tragedy. And this will go on to save many more. Be not afraid of what others may say, it was their opinions and ignorance and selfishness that convinced you to have an abortion in the first place. TRUST IN THE LORD, LEAN FULLY on our Lady. Go forward as a wounded healer. I love you dearly.***

For the rest of society, most especially those who still don't understand the gravity of what abortion is, here is a quick lesson that I hope helps clear your mind from the filth we're being told: 

I want you to imagine being kidnapped and locked away in a small room, and outside of the walls of this small room, many people are arguing about whether you should live or die. And that decision is based on a few factors and most of those factors are about you being "in the way" of someone else's ideas, dreams, lifestyle choices, or perhaps you are a reminder of a terrible memory for them. 

Now I want you to imagine how you would feel locked up in this room, hearing these terrible conversations. 

I want to also insert one other person into this story, a Priest, or a Nun, or a lay person who is fighting for your life, fighting for them not to kill you, or torture you, or get rid of you, but instead offers to take you into their home and keep you as their own. Or perhaps even spends their days at the door of your cell, protecting you, praying for you, pleading with Heaven for your very life. 

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How consoling would that be? SO consoling. SO charitable. SO good. You would cry tears of joy just knowing that someone cares, loves you and is willing to accept rebukes, beatings, imprisonment, mockery, spiking, laughing, yelling, rejections and all sorts of other things for YOU. YOU MATTER AND ARE VALUABLE. 

I got an email from the USCCB today asking me to contact my government representatives about keeping in tact the Hyde Amendment, because if the Hyde Amendment is over turned, our 'leaders' are passing bills that would force Doctors to perform elected abortions, going against their own Christian Consciences (which breaks the 1st Amendment BTW) and taking our TAX dollars to do so!!!! NO WAY, not my money, I want nothing to do with these abortions, and you shouldn't either, except to save these poor babies and their parents! As I went to type a message to our 'leaders' this is all that could come from the depths of my Catholic Heart: 

"This is willful murder. And the blood of these babies is on your hands. Instead of passing bills to kill, you should be educating men and women on the value of marriage, family, and sacrificial love. You will answer to God for your position of authority, your decisions, and every baby that was murdered will look you in the eyes on your judgement. Heed these words before you make a GRAVE mistake. Hell is a real place, with real torments, and I do not want any of you going there. I beg of you to change your hearts, repent of what you have done and become new people in Christ Jesus. Repent. Repent. Repent. Do penance. Follow our Lady. Ave Maria.  

We must be voices of Truth, not only to our 'leaders' but to our neighbors, because, in Truth if men and women weren't standing around having conversations about how to get rid of their baby, then these  'Amendments' wouldn't even be necessary and our tax dollars wouldn't pay for anything related to the murder of the unborn because very few would be getting an abortion. 

HOW do we do this: 

Promote Modesty, Chastity, and Purity. TURN OFF THE TV. TURN OFF SOCIAL MEDIA. TURN OFF THE RADIO. They are brainwashing you through them. Stop listening to liars. Entertainment is a garbage can full of filth and impurity and your eyes were NOT made to handle all of that without you falling into sin in one way or another. ASK ME HOW I KNOW!? I worked for them! It's all lust and filth! All of it is vanity! Pride! Disgust! TURN THEM OFF! SHUT THE DEVIL UP! Learn to discern the Voice of God from the voice of the devil. You cannot do that while you continuously listen to the voice of a liar. TURN IT OFF. TURN THEM OFF. GIVE THEM NO PLATFORM to confuse you. And if you still think abortion is a "choice" you are confused. Remember that last year, as the world stood still, abortions were still happening, drugs were still being sold, and the rest of sat around waiting for the media to tell us when it was "safe" to go for a walk in our own neighborhoods. 

TURN THEM OFF. For the sake of your own soul. TURN THEM OFF. 


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