The Danger of Normalizing Sin

 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, 

The Spiritual Workout: Why Mary?

I was thinking back on when I was in college and how my friends and I had such STUPID conversations and we thought we were "better off than most" or had a "clearer understanding of right and wrong" than most. 

But we were just as confused as everyone else in our generation who grew up watching movies like "Clueless" and  shows like "Saved by the Bell" and listening to Brittney Spears and Backstreet Boys etc. And the hundreds of other shows like F.R.I.E.N.D.S, movies, and music artists(especially R&B and Hip Hop/Rap or Pop) we were addicted to in our 'youth.' That caused us to day dream, fantasize and even to hang up images of these men or women in our bedrooms ( i CANNOT believe I did this, now the only Images in my room are of Jesus Christ, or a Saint, or family members) 

We grew up understanding from music and TV that it was our job to be attractive, to find a "cute guy" and to run bases with him... 1st, 2nd, 3rd and home base. This was apparently the "initiation" of those who were "normal and cool" and it was even COOLER to talk about all of these things with our friends. 

As I've grown up, and have been used and used others, hurt by others and hurt others myself by means of such SELFISH, LUSTFUL and down right irresponsible thinking PUSHED on us by the "woooo" sounds that came from the "live audience" in these shows dramatizing and romanticizing the lustful relationships between men and women, rather than relationships based on trust, sacrifice and genuine love for the other as Christ and the Holy Family teach us. 

I am sad to tears when I see men and women treating each other terribly because of the way we were BROKEN down and brainwashed by media in our youth. Men and women use each other and this becomes normalized, so the response to normalizing making humans into objects is that objects can be thrown away. So it is understandable that this same generation would make sex a "right" and the murder of the baby that comes from their physical union a "choice." A generation that has normalized sin, is on it's way to hell and doesn't know it. Except, maybe we do. Maybe we know how miserable we are? Have you talked to a 30-something, 20-something year old lately and asked them about their relationships? I bet they don't have one, and if they do it is struggling... why? Because we didn't understand something very basic that generations before us understood very normally and clearly... it's called LOVE. Love not lust, is sacrificial. 

Lust takes. 

Love gives. 

It's probably a Grace from God that most of us are single, I don't think we are capable of caring for children. Many of us are too selfish. We were brought up in a world that only teaches us how to look out for ourselves.  Marriage is a permanent state of penance, but my generation(for the most part) avoids penance like the plague! Which is why so many turn to pornography looking for satisfaction, only to come up short and empty and full of brokenness and sin in the process. We were made for so much more. We have lost ourselves in technology and fake peace and fake relationships and fake love and fake everything.

How do I know? 

It's a long story, a 34 year old long story, one that I'll spare you from, but take my word for it, better yet, open your Bible... and read. Pray and read and Pray and read. Give your life to Jesus, trust your life into the Hands of our Lady Who loves you! Even if you don't know Her, trust me when I say.. SHE KNOWS YOU. Consecrate yourself to Jesus, through Mary. She will light your way... and trust me also when I say... YOU NEED THE LIGHT. 

Cleave to our Lady, like Saint Mary Magdalene in this photo, She is our way forward. The Spiritual Workout: Why Mary?

Please pray: 

1 Our Father for the Pope.

1 Hail Mary for my soul.

1 Glory Be for the unborn.


  1. Dear Diana,
    This spoke to my heart. God bless you for doing his will. 🙏🙏🙏


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