All Authority Belongs to GOD!

 2020 taught me something really needed: All Authority belongs to God. 

In the year of forced fear, is what Im calling 2020, a year where fear was pushed on us, blame of death was shoved on every breathing human being, and fear of one another was forced into our minds by over reaching media corporations and evil men plotting to harm the human race, including themselves... 

God spoke in whispers and loud shouts, and in all sorts of ways to each person's heart, calling them to RETUN TO HIM, FOCUS ON HIM, LOVE HIM and WORSHIP HIM ALONE. 

Mother Mary at the foot of the cross | Gospel of jesus ...

I want to say to you ENOUGH. Enough fear. the Lord is clear in His Word "to live is Christ, to DIE IS GAIN( Philippians 1:21)." Why would we let anyone lie to us about life and death? Why do we listen to the smoke the devil?

Ive been attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as often as I can, and I am not sick. I am healthy. 

I am not living in fear. I live by Faith in the Blood of the Lamb. You should too. Recall the words of St. Paul, a man who knew much suffering in Christ who says to us: 

"In all things we suffer tribulation, but are not distressed; we are straitened, but are not destitute;We suffer persecution, but are not forsaken; we are cast down, but we perish not: Always bearing about in our body the mortification of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodies( 2 Corinthians 4:8-10)." 

Is there sickness? yes. are people dying? yes. Are people always dying? yes. Will we all die? yes. 

Are people healing? yes. Have people healed in Christ before? yes. Can God heal us all? yes, in His Will. 

Remember that Christ has conquered death and grave and fear and trouble in the world. 

Blame the devil not yourselves. blame the devil and fast and pray for him to be dispelled from the minds of men. always blame the devil for the death and destruction in our world that is coming from the lips of men who are lying to us about abortion, health, wellness, safety etc Since when does a nation that sprays chemicals on our food, kills innocent babies, pumps us full of pharmaceutical drugs, forces pornography, and filthy music and entertainment and legalizes drugs and puts human life to the side to make money all the sudden care about our safety and health? THEY DON'T. We are being LIED TO.  The father of lies as Jesus calls the devil.  We are being manipulated and controlled. And we can only be so if we say yes to it. 

Jesus says this very clearly in John 8:44 "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

What can we do?

1. Stop believing the lies. 

2. Stop watching the lies (turn off the TV, news, media etc). 

3. Live your life in a balanced and healthy way. 

4. Go to Mass. Go to Confession. 

5. Don't become a liar yourself. (don't spread the lies by telling other people the lies you heard). 


7. Fast and Pray for conversion of those who are lost. 

(seriously, give up things that are difficult for you, sugar, carbs, treats etc. fast and pray for the demon of abortion to leave our world.)

8. Consecrate yourself to Jesus THROUGH MARY. Literally do the consecration by St. Louis De Monteforte. DO IT NOW. DO NOT WAIT. Mary is the way forward, She will lead you, SHE LEADS ME EVERY MOMENT!!!! EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. 

Mother Mary at the foot of the cross | Gospel of jesus ...

Stay with Her, our Sorrowful and Immaculate Mother, STAY WITH HER. The lies being told to us from every corner right now are DISPELLED by HER. She will not lead you astray, She will LEAD YOU TO HER SON Jesus Christ. The devil fears Mary, remember this well. Stay close to your Mother. Beg Her to hide you in Her Mantle of protection! 

Story about fasting: 

Venerable ArchBishop Fulton J. Sheen was on a plane and was seated next to a woman, when it came time for the stewardess to bring food, he declined and so did the woman next to him. 

He turned to her and said "oh, your'e fasting for abortion too? you must be Catholic?" 

She said "yes Im fasting for abortion, I'm not Catholic, Im a witch, im fasting so that abortions keep happening." 

Story about Holy Communion:

I had been going to Holy Mass for months and being forced to receive Holy Communion in the hand which I now, 100% refuse to do at this stage of my life. I went to a different Parish, in the same Diocese... I was concerned the same thing was going to happen, I did not know the Priest at this Parish. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but calmly I felt inspired by the Lord to leave my seat in the back of the Church (which was outside),  and go kneel on the ground in the front near where the Priest was administering Holy Communion to others, I knelt and closed my eyes and when he came to me, I opened my mouth. 

The Priest, stopped, looked at me and motioned to me to put out my hand...I said to him " I am willing to go last." He said "you're willing to go last? ok" ...he left and came back, and gave me Holy Communion, as. I was kneeling and on the tongue. The Lord said to me in my heart " ALL AUTHORITY IS MINE.

I understood this to mean, that there may be "regulations and rules and confusion and whatever else" but the Lord is in CHARGE and His Will WILL BE DONE, I must ONLY focus on being Faithful to Him and He WILL move the hand, heart and mind of whoever needs it. I just focus on being faithful to Him, giving Him what is His... TRUE WHOLE HEARTED WORSHIP. 

Deuteronomy 6:5 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole strength. 

The Passion of the Christ movie review (2004) | Roger Ebert

Meditate on how Veronica walked to Jesus, seeing only Him, wanting only to comfort Him, to love Him, in the midst of the demons that were beating and mocking and harming Jesus. Wasn't she afraid? What if they hurt her too? If they did that to Him how much more to her a woman? She went forward. Meditate on how YOU are called to go forward. To Love Him, to serve Him, to know Him. Meditate on being Veronica, speaking words to our Lord in Latin to console Him for all the words the Roman soldiers said to Him in Latin that were curses and filth. Console Him. Love Him. 


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