It Doesn't Matter.

 Today, I read the news that the US House passed the "Equality Act" which is a really well worded idea to promote the killing of the unborn and the tax-funded abortions that all of us will be contributing to... but when I think about how daunting it is that our own government wants to kill us, and I turn to Jesus, I recall that even if the law allows and even PUSHES abortion onto women (which is what they are doing now) if men and women stand up and say " NO I WANT MY BABY!" The government can do nothing. Without a demand for abortion there is no need of this law. It's not the law that really matters, (though this is TERRIBLE and I'm trying to focus my efforts elsewhere on a hope-based solution) but the people's hearts, minds and morality. For example, a table can be full of food, but I choose not to eat it. Then, whatever is on the table... doesn't matter right? 

The government can say and do whatever they want, they will answer to God for everything they do and push onto the people... but our response must be in obedience to God, His Law, His Will and His Way. "Thou shall NOT kill" is still the 5th Commandment. From the Baltimore Catechism #1275 "It is never lawful for any cause to deliberately and intentionally take away the life of an INNOCENT person. Such deeds are always murder, and can never be excused for any reason, however important or necessary." 

So while the unjust government has had their "day" and has stolen the "battle" the Lord has already won the war. Pray for the unborn, for their mothers and fathers. Pray that people will STOP LISTENING TO SECULAR MUSIC AND MEDIA. THIS WILL CHANGE THEM. Pray that more people will consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary, our LADY WILL GUIDE THEM  AWAY FROM THIS NONSENSE! Be an advocate for the change in people's hearts. This is what will put an end to this senseless killing of the unborn. WE have a choice, a choice to remain celibate. 

Family Life: The First Seminary - The Fathers of Mercy

I can prove to you all of this is demonic: If the government really cared for women's health and reproductive rights, they would be teaching men and women how to remain celibate out of love until married, and this way, abortion would not be an option because childbirth would be a GIFT not a regret, but instead, sex is shoved in our faces through all forms of media, all filth and lust is made legal, sex is encouraged as "healthy" and then the murder of the unborn is a result of such careless, sinful behavior, no one in their virtuous mind would create life, only to kill it... only the devil would do such a thing.  It is your body and your choice to remain celibate until in a Sacramental Marriage. You should fight for this like the Saints have fought to preserve their Virginity in times past. And if you cannot fight for your own Virginity, fight for that of others... dress modestly, teach others to do the same, help women carry themselves as dignified not as objects to be used and discarded. 

This is not a fight against the government it is a BATTLE against the devil. 

This is a spiritual war and we must fight with spiritual weapons. 

FAST, PRAY. Have the Holy Mass offered for your Government leaders. 


  1. And this new bill denies religious freedom and has things in there about LGBTQ NZLMNOP equality. It has penalties for religious institutions if we dont have trans bathrooms, lockerrooms, etc. We must pray fast and be deeply rooted in the Lord and persevere. We must be a good example for these days are getting darker. But the Lord is building up warriors! Let us be those warriors! Our Lord Wins! Our Lady Triumphs!!!! Let us be warriors in Our Lady's Army!


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