Christ Mass.

The other day I was taking a walk in my neighborhood and I noticed some of my neighbors had begun to put out their 'Christmas' decorations. A striking thought came to me that I hadn't ever really thought before in this exact way that I want to share with you in the hopes that your heart is touched... as mine was. 

I saw Christmas trees and lights, snowmen, and cute little animals with red bows on them all adorable decorations in the front of this nice little home... and this thought came to me:

 " If it was your birthday, and you showed up to your house where there was to be a welcoming for you, and there were pictures of your sibling, parents, or some random cute animals... but nothing concerning you... how would you feel?" 

I thought to myself, I would look around and say "who's birthday is it?" 

A powerful thought. Who exactly are we celebrating and welcoming to our homes and hearts? It it a snow man? Reindeer? Cute bows? Santa? Elves? ....??? Imagine trying to explain Christmas to a child or a person who doesn't know the customs of the USA and Christmas decor! They would ask " So, it's the birth of Jesus Christ, but somehow snowmen welcome him? Or this wild light show expresses His Birth? And where does santa and reindeer come in?" All interesting thoughts. Things I hadn't thought much about my whole life... I just decorated until it looked festive enough... for me, my neighbors, and over all what society thinks. But... it's Jesus' BIRTHDAY... so this year, I'm going to focus my efforts on that. 

How can we make Jesus feel welcome in our homes and hearts? 

How does our celebration need to change for that to happen?

Is your heart moved? I know mine is. =) Happy Advent Friends. 

*1 Our Father for Pope Francis

*1 Hail Mary for the Unborn

*1 Glory Be for your family.  


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