Small things, great love.

 My dear friends, 

St. Mother Teresa said " do small things with great love."

The Daily Prayer of Mother Teresa

This message came flying at me the other day in the MOST hilarious example. 

I needed to do my laundry, and inside of the laundry room were a couple of hampers that were creating a cramped situation for me to move about. I worked around the other hampers as best as I could without moving them, thinking that I was doing the most "loving thing" by leaving everything just as I had found it so I wouldn't disturb anyone else's laundry doing. 

Well, I ended up dropping my own laundry and making a whole struggle of things for myself, having a bad attitude and blaming others for all kinds of things in the process. After the Lord knocked me on my head by means of my Mother's words to me on GRATITUDE and practicality ... and not rejecting the Graces God was pouring out to me in this situation, I realized that had I moved the other hampers out of the way, and RETURNED them after I was done, I would have done what was most loving for myself AND others. Then, It dawned on me "do small things with great love"... like moving the other hampers out of the way, I could have done that simple act with such joy, knowing I was going to also put them back with such joy! I also realized that most of the time, I'm in such a hurry to "get things done" even if I'm not racing against the clock, I'm just racing in general LOL. WHY? Why is everything a race to be finished? Who is racing against us? I look around and see no one in the fast lane but me, as a matter of fact, there are no lanes.. Im driving alone. I need to get out of the car and stroll with Jesus for a bit and stop racing the imaginary car around in my brain LOL 

St. Mother Teresa says "do small things with great love" NOT "do all the things and finish them with no love." LOL The difference slowing down, being present and praying through my work is going to make all the difference in the offering I give to God. Is my work time a rushed, frustrated and agitated process? Or am I making an offering of praise, thanksgiving, joy and great Charity to God? Which then avails me to be a Joyful and present person to those whom I love and THUS fulfilling the Greatest Commandment, Loving God and Neighbor. 

Please consider praying:

* 1 Our Father for Pope Francis

**1 Hail Mary for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

***1 Glory Be that we will slow down, and pray through our work. 


  1. Hello Diana,
    The timing of this is so appropriate. I was feeling overwhelmed with the household chores and in turn would get angry with my folks. It’s Gods way of telling me to slow down and do ‘Small things with great love.’ Thank you once again for doing this. God bless.

    1. I love how the Lord speaks to us in the ordinary tasks of the day! And I'm so familiar with that kind of imaginary race against nobody in our heads! Slowing down can be hard and can be made into an offering that's what I learn here may I be open and ready to see and take hold of these opportunities! Amen


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