Family life, Virtue and God's Will.

Family life is hard. No matter who your family members are, they can be so wonderful and great, but humans struggle all the time to find a balance between self-seeking and self-sacrificing in their relationships.

I can tell you that I have Grace filled moments of self-sacrifice, to be followed by stumbling and falling into the pit of selfishness and "but I want it to be MY WAY" attitudes. 

No one has a clean record of constantly thinking of others before themselves. Well, except of course our Lady and our Lord Himself. But the rest of us, must pray and pray hard to remain a people open to God's Will. "today if you hear His Voice, harden not your hearts (Hebrew 3:15)." 

Many times you probably think to yourself "uhhh I'd be so much better off living alone, away from all these people who drive me nuts." LOL... sound familiar? Have you begun planning your great escape?

Well, hold on for just a moment while I share some thoughts with you. 

Growing in virtue, is by far the goal of our lives as Christians. The virtue of Charity specifically which "covers a multitude of sins(1 Peter 4:8)." The virtue of patience is needed in family life, or life in any relationship, man, even in relationship with yourself... haha 

Placing others before yourself, you learn to practice True Charity, which is to will the GOOD for the other. This virtue is built in many ways, but most especially, in family life. Many times you want what you want when you want it, and family, no matter how old or young, challenges you to put others first regardless of which vice or weakness you are dealing with in the moment. The greatest thing we get to do in a life that is centered on Christ, is to try and try again. No one mistake or sin is the end of us, we get to try again the next moment. For example, you have an attitude with someone? Well, you get to practice the virtue of humility, apologize and to make reparation, do something kind for them. 

Living in family, in community, gives you the opportunity to grow. And isn't that what the whole entire world needs right now? Growth in virtue, may the Lord help us this day to grow in virtue in the small ways as well as the big ways. Amen. 

*** 1 Our Father for your growth in virtue.

**1 Hail Mary for mine. 

* 1 Glory Be for the Holy Roman

Catholic Church. 


  1. Amen Alleluia! May we persevere in that True Christian Love! All for the Greater Glory of God! Amen

  2. Thank you for this. Great timing as I plan to move in with my Mother. Hard in your thirties as feels like a step back but I decided living alone was not helping me work on the virtues and plus the devil wants families divided and people to be lonely. Prayers for you, Catherine aka little linen x


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