Insults and Blessings.

Im finding that when I read the Bible I am completely convicted. 

Let me explain... today in our Divine Office Vespers Reading, 1 Peter 3:8-9 was the Scripture we read and prayed with... it reads "All of you should be like-minded, sympathetic, loving toward one another, kindly disposed, and humble. Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult. Return a blessing instead. This you have been called to do, that you may receive a blessing as your inheritance." 

How convicting is this, and how opposite to our society's image of Christianity... 

DO NOT return evil for evil. 

DO NOT return insult for insult. 


We have been CALLED TO THIS. 

So many people are asking God "what is my purpose? Where am I called to be? Who am i called to be? Where do You want me to serve You?" (I'm speaking about myself as well and my incredibly desperate prayers seeking identity in what I 'do' 

But, here, St. Peter, the ROCK of the Church of Jesus Christ tells us EXACTLY what God wills for us. 

A change of heart. A change of life. A change of response. A radicle lifestyle that turns the world on it's head and makes it question " how do they do that?"

Rather than build an organization, or another ministry (not that these are bad) but changing the focus... building up blessings for others in place of insults, or pay backs or frustrations. 

I have taken this as a personal admonition to change my heart. 

I think, if someone were to see me live this out, it would completely convict their hearts to desire the FREEDOM that comes from a person who can be completely insulted, and return a blessing rather than another, equivalent insult. Hiding behind pride and vanity and 'dignity..' dignity of which Christ was stripped of during His Passion... lived out for our Freedom and True sinless, virtuous Dignity bought at the heftiest Price. 

I want this freedom. BADLY. I want to be insulted, and smile... YES SMILE. DO you know the KIND OF FREEDOM A PERSON HAS TO HAVE INTERIORLY to SMILE at an INSULT! ahhh. Im so not there. I can barely handle someone having a bad attitude or an "off moment' with me without holding it against them. My heart is a place of judgment and hardness and it needs to be broken many many many times before it can love in the free way of Christ. May He help me.. and you too. 

Please share below ways in which this post has encouraged you. 

Please consider saying a prayer, or all 3 if you can. Thank you <3 

* 1 Our Father for Pope Francis 

** 1 Hail Mary for my parents who deal with me regularly lol 

***1 Glory Be for my continued conversion. 


  1. Hi Diana,
    I have this issue where I can’t keep my mouth shut when someone insults me. It’s really difficult for me let it go. I have to try to bless them instead. Thank you for sharing.

    1. A challenge for most my dear friend. May we implore the help of our Guardian Angels that we may not lose the Graces God is trying to pour into us.


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