Everything Glorifies God.

(this is a picture of an area of my family's home garden where we gather and pray)

I was taking a walk and praying a morning Rosary when I saw a man outside trimming a tree in his front yard. 
Instantly I was drawn to the peace of Christ that comes for many of us... outside, in nature, in God's Creation. 

I find that, no matter how comfortable modern life is, and how thankful I am for the many comforts we have these days, that being outdoors and seeing God in the grandness of the trees, the beauty of birds or the sweet smell of flowers is always a miracle to me. 

I have such great love in finding the Lord in these simple moments. 
Yet, to me, these are the moments that I long for. 
They are also the moments I long to share with others. 

I went on retreat recently, and I found myself going outdoors to seek the Lord, in the silence, in the solitude and in the unknown of a forest. The large swaying trees, the sound of birds chirping, the smell of forest in the air, the wind swirling about me, the joy of looking around and seeing trees, leaves, water, animals, bugs... makes for a great way for me to simply connect with God. No wonder Jesus was frequently going to the "mountain side" to pray(Mark 6:46). Or to a solitary place to pray. 
There is something in that silence and solitude that calls out to me so loudly. 
The city noise, busyness and constant interaction is overwhelming to me. 
There was a time I needed the sounds, but the silence has won me over... the stillness has won me over. 

I know I'm not alone in this longing, because anyone else who longs for this, goes and finds it. 

The simple joys of picking an apple off of a tree and eating it. 
The excitement of seeing your first been plant of the season sprout (see picture below).

I don't know what it is, some people find God in their work, I used to, but lately He has been calling me to the silent, healing road that leads to Him outside in the creation made by His Hands. 

Driving through mountains, and feeling how small we are in comparison to their size is always a thrill for me. It takes my breath away and gives my eyes something Beautiful to gaze at. God loves variety. Look at how many kinds of plants and trees and bugs and animals there are. You were made to be you. Don't change or try to be like anyone else. If you ever need a reminder of this, go outside. The variety that God's Own Hands Created is there. 

May we be a people excited to serve God in the fast work-pace and in the slowing down of life. 
I lived such a fast pace of life for such a long time. 
This slowing down is VERY welcome. 
I seek it out. 
Sometimes, I just close my eyes, and listen to the silence. 
The Peace of Christ, Which surpasses all understanding always meets me There. 

*** Please consider saying a prayer for my family's beautiful food garden. 

* 1 Our Father for an abundant harvest
**1 Hail Mary for your own peace. 
*** 1 Glory Be for mine + my family. 

Feel free to share this blog with your friends. 

To Jesus, through Mary, 




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