Why I left social media...

Why I left social media. 

My heart's desire for awhile now, has been for Christ alone. 

He's My Thoughts, My Longing, My Everything. 

I kept asking Him: "Lord how do You Will for me to serve you?

I wanted to serve Him by serving others, and many times I thought that HAD to include social media. 

First, it was because of secular radio. (To preach the Gospel on a secular platform is SERIOUS Evangelism!) 

Then, it was to document how I'm living out my faith in my day to day activities and life; to inspire others to do the same. (Faith + Works! ) 

Then, it was because of being a Catholic Speaker. (Obviously.. haha) 

Then, it was because I had a modest boutique. (Can't delete social media AND still promote modesty!) 

And lastly, because of Come Alive Radio. 

.. But, in the end, although all of these reasons were FOR God, and FOR the preaching and teaching of the Gospel... I didn't have peace in a life that revolved around social media being the way I brought Jesus to people. 

I never fit in with the others who were so successful at doing so. 

I always felt "different." It always bothered me to feel like I "didn't belong." When, what I wanted was to belong and be able to connect with others. But lately, the Lord, in His Mercy has shown me that I am indeed different... by His Design. And for that I shouldn't be "bothered" but rather, thankful. 

I'm starting a new journey, that started about a year ago without me explaining it much to anyone online.. a journey for Jesus Alone... and I will share the pieces of it that I can.. HERE, with you =) As well as on Come Alive Radio. 

These are the 2 places I can confidently share my walk with Christ, truthfully, without censorship, and without the constant struggle of having to see and read very offensive things on social media that other people post that I have no control over. If my salvation is to be of utmost importance to me, then I must make the changes necessary for my growth in Christ Jesus to flourish like a flower planted in fertile soul!

I want to shine so brightly with Christ's Light that others may see it, and wonder how they too can have this glow of peace, joy and patience in the Lord Jesus. I want to be sanctified and pruned by the Lord. And in order to do that I must remove distractions. Social media, has become... a distraction. And like any Good Gardener.. He must prune things that are dying or dead to make way for new growth. 

Thank you for joining me on this new journey. I pray it is fruitful for us both! 

***Please comment below with your name, and where you're from! =)

**Also, feel free to share these blogs with others.. 


  1. God bless you Diana. Always doing the will of God. You are truly and inspiration.

    1. Thank you Rochelle! Im glad to have you here with us! God Bless you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Diana! my name is Lorena and I’m from San Bernardino, CA. God Bless you. Praying for you ❤️

    1. Hi Lorena!
      Thank you for your prayers my friend! God Bless you!

  4. Catherine from the U.K. also know as little linen. God bless you Diana x

  5. Good morning from the high desert Diana. I prayed for you at mass today. I have followed your journey since the day you announced you were leaving secular radio. You are an inspiration and a great example. You are living out your purpose and I look to you for strength and as a reminder of discipline. -Lupe

    1. Dear Lupe,
      Thank you so much! What a beautiful and difficult journey it has been for our Lord Jesus Christ. May He be Glorified in all things! God bless you!

  6. My beautiful friend! I'm so proud of you! I definitely see the Light of Christ in you very clearly! Amen Alleluia

    1. My Dearest Jen!
      Im so happy you are able to be here with us! God bless you my friend!

  7. Hi there I’m from Eastvale, CA I admire you for leaving social media it’s one of my biggest struggles.

    Elena Escoto

    1. Elena, my heart is with you, it has been SO difficult and I have made every GOOD excuse in the book lol... but in the end.. my peace out weighs everything. Psalm 34 tells us "seek after peace and PURSUE it!" may we go forth in Christ!

  8. Diana—a courageous, beautiful soul—I am so grateful to our Lord that you share your journey with us so honestly. Your life is a beautiful song to the Lord and I believe He is well pleased with your fruits. Keep persevering in Christ, dear friend! I will be following this blog (all the way from Moreno Valley! Lol).


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