Seek Peace.. and PURSUE it.

 P E A C E. 

                     "Turn from evil. Do Good. Seek peace and PURSUE IT." - Psalm 34:14

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever amen! 

We all desire peace, we long for it. Yet we work against peace by our own actions. 

Today, I ask you, what is stealing your peace... and are you willingly letting yourself be robbed?

Today, we have many choices to make everyday. 

TV.. no TV.

Radio...No radio. 

Music... no music. 

Phone.. no phone. 

Argue... don't argue. 

I told someone dear to me one day "I want peace above anything else, and so Im making the outward changes necessary to be at peace inside of myself."

So what did it take for me as a follower of Christ?

Here's the list that has come after YEARS of praying this out/testing this out: 

*Daily Mass 

*Confession every couple of weeks. 

*Chanting the Divine Office daily.

*Reading / Meditating on Scripture often/daily. (Lectio Divina )

*No secular music/tv/magazines/books. 

*Silence throughout the day. (THIS SILENCE guards my heart). 

*Being very selective with who my friends are and who I spend time with. 

*Being clear with visitors that cursing offends me and kindly asking them to not curse in front of me. 

*Keeping Sunday Holy. (Focusing my efforts that day on resting in Christ fully, though this is more challenging than I ever thought... we have so many distractions in life.) 

*Accepting that loneliness is part of the Christian life; no matter your vocation, and making an offering of it rather than making it a stumbling block. 

*Making time for cleaning (a clean and organized space allows for less distractions during prayer). 

*Making time for walking outdoors/working on gardening. 

*No social media. 

*No news (except Catholic News sources; also limited) 

* Loving freely and openly. 


These are some things Im doing daily to help me on this journey to living with the Peace of Christ in my heart no matter the outward circumstances. Am I perfect? NOPE. I struggle all the time. lol ALL THE TIME. But, Everyday, I crawl forward in Christ. 

Let's crawl together like children at the foot of the Cross! =) 

**Please consider praying as an offering for the help given in this post. 

*1 Hail Mary for the Holy Catholic Church and Her Clergy. 


*1 Our Father for the sake of the conversion of sinners. 


*1 Glory Be for my own sanctification. 

***Please comment below with which prayer you chose. Thank you! 

To Jesus, Through Mary, 

Diana Marie Wehbe 💙


  1. All 3! Straight to the heart! I wanted and needed to pray all 3! Amen!

  2. The daily moment by moment decision to choose Peace! To choose that silence! To choose not to watch that YouTube video but rather that one cause that kind riles me up and that kind builds me up! Thank you for reminding me it's that moment by moment choices we make!

    1. Amen amen amen! In those beautiful little moments! And sometimes THE DIFFICULT little moments!

  3. All 3 prayers with love. Thank you for sharing about seeking peace. It’s a real struggle for me, your testimony is inspiring and really helpful. God bless Diana

    1. Praised Be Jesus Christ! We must go forth with our beautiful Savior!

  4. Thank you for inviting me—prayed all three slowly, intentionally, and with much love. I especially enjoyed your list of ways to seek peace. I’m still struggling with limiting my Twitter time. Sending love to persevere in Christ.


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